Monday, December 12, 2011

Tis the season

I am a sucker for Christmas. 
I love everything about it. I love the carols, the decorations and especially the ham. I am so excited for this years festivities because I get to share it with two amazing families in two totally different ways. You see my partners family is Danish so they do all of their stuff Christmas Eve. The night pretty much consists of amazing and weird food and my favorite part - joining hands and dancing around the Christmas tree. My family just enjoy an early morning start ( although I'm the youngest of four we all still get up around 7am) awesome food ( more ham ) and enjoying the excitement my nieces and nephews infect us all with. 

What is even more exciting is the fact that this will be my first Christmas out of retail! Hurrah to no boxing day sale! - I can actually shop this year! I am PUMPED!

I think I always look forward to December for a few reasons. Number one is obviously Christmas, number two would have to be the celebrations surrounding new years eve and number three is the fact that you're kind of erasing all the bad stuff from the previous year. Its like every twelve months you get to start again. You have the ability to choose so move away from anything you may regret saying or doing and you can simply choose to move on. 

THAT is the beauty of a new year.

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