Friday, December 30, 2011

Stealth and new shoes

Today I played SIX games of Laser tag and it was amazing.

Yep, I spent several hours of the day sweating my arse off and stealthing round with a sweet plastic gun. One of the things I love most about being a child in an adults body is the fact we can decide on our own that we'd like to stay there all day and play! Winning! I must confess I am not as efficient in Laser Tag as I am on my consoles but hey, the day was super fun and we got out of the house for a few hours! 

Speaking of awesome - my super epic best friend K totally brought me a gorgeous pair of shoes for christmas. They are like sneakers but wedged platforms as pictured below.

See the current running joke is that I dont actually own any practical shoes. I'd love to deny this rumour but I'd totally be lying out my arse. Doesn't help my case when I havent grown since grade nine or ten and currently only stand at a measly 164cm. But my good friends ( aka my shoes ) help me out to be just a little taller. 

All in all a good day me thinks. New Years Eve celebrations should be alright ( Best friend is MIA ) and I'm totally looking forward to a fresh start!

PS - This is my kitty, Banjo :) 

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