Monday, December 12, 2011


Hi, my name is Tamantha and I’m a serial blog starter.

The first thing that comes to my mind is to try and explain why on earth I am so desperate to start ( and stick to ) a blog. See, its not because I think I’m an extraordinary person who has amazing ideas and is fascinated with the idea of people reading them. It’s exactly the opposite in fact. I am – at this point in my life, I considerably normal young woman. I work, sleep, talk to my cat and live with my partner and our two best friends. Our house, in short has become a mixture of insanity, love ( though we’d never admit to it ) and hilarious moments. The dishes never get done the same day they’re dirtied, there’s more cat hair in the house than human hair and we and we can never find the remote to anything but we love the way we live – and our cats. 

I think that the main reason I want to start a blog is because I find that I make so many promises to myself every night before I go to sleep and I have no way of actually being accountable for them. I want to do so many things and I feel like I’m desperately trying to cram them into my life and am becoming so overwhelmed I simply do nothing.  I think perhaps (and hopefully) starting a blog will encourage me to keep the promises I make myself.

So here it is, my life for the next twelve months and a bit. Hopefully it serves its desired purpose but if not – I promise it will be entertaining.

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