Saturday, December 31, 2011

New years eve continued

Wow - what a night!

It's now one hour into the new year and again, I'm taking a second to enjoy the night I'm having. We were joined tonight by all of our friends and family and also my friends brother and his wife from the mainland. We started tonight with a BBQ full of delicious food and good music. The boys played tennis ( and by that I mean they hit the ball at eachother ) and once it grew dark we headed inside. We were then explaining "geo caching " to our new friends and decided randomly, since we had an hour or so to kill before the new year kicked over, that we'd take them for a quick popping of their geo caching cherry, at a convict graveyard. It's pretty cool when you get to show someone something you absolutely love doing such as caching. It's like the modern day treasure hunt that you play with the rest of the world.

Eventually we came home and settled down to a very loud and hardcore game of charades. We stood outside with party poppers and sparklers and saw in the new year with a kiss from our partners and a great view of the cities firework display. All in all - a fantastic way to welcome a new year with new beginnings.

Stay tuned for new years resolutions!!!!

Pics from tonight:

Friday, December 30, 2011

Let the new years festivities begin!

Currently we are gearing up for new years eve at our little house! We've filled the fridge with coke, there's chips by the bagfuls and our friends and family are on the way! Possibly expect lots of pictures of our antics tonight! I love love LOVE new years eve! Not to mention sparklers and party poppers! I'm so excited for the new year to roll over with my friends and a kiss from my man. :)

Stealth and new shoes

Today I played SIX games of Laser tag and it was amazing.

Yep, I spent several hours of the day sweating my arse off and stealthing round with a sweet plastic gun. One of the things I love most about being a child in an adults body is the fact we can decide on our own that we'd like to stay there all day and play! Winning! I must confess I am not as efficient in Laser Tag as I am on my consoles but hey, the day was super fun and we got out of the house for a few hours! 

Speaking of awesome - my super epic best friend K totally brought me a gorgeous pair of shoes for christmas. They are like sneakers but wedged platforms as pictured below.

See the current running joke is that I dont actually own any practical shoes. I'd love to deny this rumour but I'd totally be lying out my arse. Doesn't help my case when I havent grown since grade nine or ten and currently only stand at a measly 164cm. But my good friends ( aka my shoes ) help me out to be just a little taller. 

All in all a good day me thinks. New Years Eve celebrations should be alright ( Best friend is MIA ) and I'm totally looking forward to a fresh start!

PS - This is my kitty, Banjo :) 

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Upon Reflection

Occasionally it dawns on me that I don't take a lot of time to enjoy myself. By all means I do things that I enjoy but for the first time in a very long time today I sat back and just took two minutes to reflect on what was happening at the time.

You'd think that for this to happen I was doing something pretty outstanding but no, when I was suddenly hit with this serge of love and reflection we were sitting in a dodgy blow up pool, chatting and pretending we were wales.  

Its funny how fast time goes, I for one definitely don't feel like I'm 21. I feel like myself and my friends are really cool sixteen year olds who's parents aren't around! How fantastic it is to be young adults who are on holidays during summer, buying pools and having BBQs during the day and then all sitting down to play boardgames of a night. 

 Perhaps something to add to the 2012 collection of new years resolutions is to take more time to enjoy things as they happen. 


So Christmas has come and gone, I do apologise to all of the people who don't read my blog but things have been SO SO hectic and mad I've hardly had a chance to stop!

A few things have happened since my last. One in particular thing is that I got a new job. I am now the Assistant manager of Cotton On Kids in my local mall. I am super excited about this since I no longer have to deal with retards who cannot control their money, I will be able to see more of Aaron and also because I'm keen to get into management again!

My car is also fixed! After it breaking in september we FINALLY got around to fixing it. It is so so good to be able to drive around wherever and whenever we want without having to get a taxi or walk everywhere. 

I'm also looking into all the things I can now do since I no longer work STUPID hours. I''d like to join a dance class as well as a French adult ed class. I'm excited for 2012 and cannot wait the few extra days for it to come. In the meantime though I am going to laze about in our pool and wait for the new year to roll around!


Monday, December 12, 2011

Tis the season

I am a sucker for Christmas. 
I love everything about it. I love the carols, the decorations and especially the ham. I am so excited for this years festivities because I get to share it with two amazing families in two totally different ways. You see my partners family is Danish so they do all of their stuff Christmas Eve. The night pretty much consists of amazing and weird food and my favorite part - joining hands and dancing around the Christmas tree. My family just enjoy an early morning start ( although I'm the youngest of four we all still get up around 7am) awesome food ( more ham ) and enjoying the excitement my nieces and nephews infect us all with. 

What is even more exciting is the fact that this will be my first Christmas out of retail! Hurrah to no boxing day sale! - I can actually shop this year! I am PUMPED!

I think I always look forward to December for a few reasons. Number one is obviously Christmas, number two would have to be the celebrations surrounding new years eve and number three is the fact that you're kind of erasing all the bad stuff from the previous year. Its like every twelve months you get to start again. You have the ability to choose so move away from anything you may regret saying or doing and you can simply choose to move on. 

THAT is the beauty of a new year.


Hi, my name is Tamantha and I’m a serial blog starter.

The first thing that comes to my mind is to try and explain why on earth I am so desperate to start ( and stick to ) a blog. See, its not because I think I’m an extraordinary person who has amazing ideas and is fascinated with the idea of people reading them. It’s exactly the opposite in fact. I am – at this point in my life, I considerably normal young woman. I work, sleep, talk to my cat and live with my partner and our two best friends. Our house, in short has become a mixture of insanity, love ( though we’d never admit to it ) and hilarious moments. The dishes never get done the same day they’re dirtied, there’s more cat hair in the house than human hair and we and we can never find the remote to anything but we love the way we live – and our cats. 

I think that the main reason I want to start a blog is because I find that I make so many promises to myself every night before I go to sleep and I have no way of actually being accountable for them. I want to do so many things and I feel like I’m desperately trying to cram them into my life and am becoming so overwhelmed I simply do nothing.  I think perhaps (and hopefully) starting a blog will encourage me to keep the promises I make myself.

So here it is, my life for the next twelve months and a bit. Hopefully it serves its desired purpose but if not – I promise it will be entertaining.