Monday, April 30, 2012


What a fantastic start to the working week! Firstly I wake up at like 4am to what sounded like ninty seven cats in an all out brawl so I get out of bed and begrudgingly toddle outside in my nighty to hunt around for my Banjo.
Sure enough after calling him a few times he comes around from the front yard looking so bushy you'd think he was feral but he thankfully wasn't hurt. I took him inside but achieved nothing but freezing my arse off.

Before I know it it's seven am and I have to get up and shower which I do without any trouble, then I proceed to hunt for clothes to wear, I put on a cute knitted dress and think " why my gold elastic belt would look most fabulous with this " so I pull at the belt ... What's that? It's stuck? I pull it harder... Next thing I know it flicks put of the closet and the buckle hits me in the throat. I die.

Suffice to say I'm interested to see how today turns out. I also forgot my wallet, rolled my ankle twice and forgot to pack my lunch.

Sometimes I am too awesome for words.

kitty love

I had myself a great day off today. Granted, I did a lot of washing which was not exciting but I also got to have lunch with my sister, brother in law and niece! My family live an hour away so its rare any of them get time to come and visit me here. My niece is one in a few months and every single time I see her she gets bigger and is learning more things. It's incredible how fast kids grow.

I also got to have time with my cat banjo who I love dearly. He is a bit of a snob but means the world to me, Ia friend of a friend found him on the side of the road when he was only six weeks old and I've had him pretty much since. He was about one when I broke up with my boyfriend at the time and since I couldn't have him he was taken in by the RSPCA. I remember be totally heartbroken and felt so guilty when I learned this but I was told he was adopted fairly quickly. I spent nearly another year missing him and when I finally brought myself to be able to even think about getting another pet I jumped on the RSPCA website and there he was. What's more incredible is that there was no photo just a description of a ginger cat named Banjo. I called them instantly and after explaining my story they told me they couldn't tell me who surrendered him originally but if I could give her the correct address of where he was picked up they'd tell me yes or no. Suffice to say it was a yes and an hour drive later I walked into his cage and it was like we'd never been separated. The ladies at the RSPCA said although he'd only been there a day they'd never seen a cat meow and purr as much as he did :)

I'm not one to believe in anything out of the ordinary but you cannot tell me for a second that Banjo and I aren't destined to be together.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Market Day

Its funny how unplanned things can mostly be better than the things you spend ages planning. Take today for instance Aaron and I were originally annoyed we woke up at 8:30am on a SUNDAY but instead of going back to sleep ( as we usually would ) we decided to get up and go to the markets around town. I'd heard Evandale market is pretty awesome and boy oh boy I wasnt disappointed! There's really nothing I'd rather do on a sunday morning that rummage through other peoples old crap and eat spanish doughnuts for breakfast. We even managed to pick up a few things for our wedding ( not that we're engaged or anything - we just like to be ready! ) We got home about lunch time and spent most of the afternoon cleaning our house which was a joyous occasion as always and then went to tea with the in-laws which of course is a Sunday night tradition.  My best friend K got these ah-mazing hair extentions recently and I finally got to see them in! She looks even MORE stunning than she usually is! 

Speaking of Gaga I was browsing around on Etsy today and came across a BRILLIANT woman who handmakes amazing Lady Gaga costumes! You can find her Facebook here - totally amazing and worth a look, I can't wait to see if she can help me out for the born this way ball! 

In other news my blog is currently in the process of being revamped by my super talented boyfrend Aaron. I'm hoping to have nearly all of it done tomorrow night so I feel like actually coming back to write on it. I've seen so many other purdy blogs I wanted mine to stand out so I blackmailed him basically. 

All in all a fantastic Sunday was had, what makes it even better though is that I have tomorrow off! 


Friday, April 20, 2012

I drank a lt of wine tonight and sang my heart out, it was awesome. 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

A change

So this weekend I made a pretty dramatic decision.

I changed my hair color for the first time in around 5 years.

I know it may not seem like a huge deal to most but I have been blonde my entire life and just randomly decided to be brave and try something braver. I'm pretty stoked at how it's turned out ( not orange thank god" ) but it is a bit strange hardly being able to recognize yourself

To me, this simple change in hair color signifies the huge changes I'm about to force my life to deal with. :) I'm taking a more active role in how my life plays out i've decided and step one is to start being more fearless.

I hope you like it!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Another day

So today was my last day of holidays for Easter. I decided to randomly go and visit one of my best friends who lives about two hours drive from me because I haven't seen her pretty much since early in the year and she always cheers me up and gives me perspective on my so called " problems."

The greatest thing about true friends is it doesn't matter how long it's been since you've seen each other, you just pick up your relationship like you've never been apart. I have never in my life had more fun sitting under an electric blanket dribbling shit in a Russian accent.

This woman is amazing, always there when I need her and one of the most wonderful people in the universe.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

That awkward moment you forget you have a blog for four months.

So apparentluy my life is so hectic * cough * that I forget that I have a blog for like four whole months.
To be totally honest it not that far from the truth. I work most days until six then play Battlefield untill I sleep. My existance may not consist of much but hey - its an existance.

In the last four months I guess a lot has happened. My gorgeous sister got married, I went again to the gorgeous city of Melbourne to see John Cleese live with my partner which was amazing. We decided for sure that we want to move there and go to school. I secured Lady Gaga tickets for June which I am all kinds of super fucking excited for. I wish I could decide on a costume though!

Looking back at my new years resolutions ( considering we're at the four month mark ) I am not impressed with my efforts so far! I have pretty much done nothing since I last posted on this blog and now considering it is no longer summer I cant do some things ( like go for walks ) as easily. 

New motivation time I think!

I'm currently at an eleven hour gaming lock in at my local Internet gaming place. All of my friends are playing League of Legands which looks to me a lot like World of Warcraft so I'm thinking they'll probably end up addicted to it. Perhaps I'll have to install toilets below their computer chairs in future if it gets too bad?

In other news, since I work for a super cool fashion brand now I am LOVING the new clothes that is filling my new wardrobe too. Coloured denim is huge at the moment with large layered tops to go with them. High wedges are a must have and even the new wedges you can get that dont have a heel are getting really popular. Of course I must get myself a pair of these shoes but where I live there isnt anywhere that actually stocks them. 

Anyway I'm thinking it may be just about time for another game of battlefield so I am out and PROMISE to write something more entertaining and elightning tomorrow!