Sunday, January 1, 2012

Day one of a new beginning

Welcome 2012! I am super pumped to have you here.

Today is a new year and with it comes the cliche resolutions. So here are the ones everyone makes:

- Obviously will lose weight.
- In relation to the above, I will start exercising everyday. Even if its just a walk.
- I will save money and pay off my debt.

Now, to the ones specific to me.

- This is the year I will learn to speak French
- I will continue to document my life goals, dreams and promises to myself here in this blog
- I will take up a dance class
- Whenever I start to get bored, I will teach myself to do something new
- I will read one book a month, minimum.

There they are. Now these things are on the internet I HAVE to obey them!

In other news, today was spent at the beach at Aarons uncles shack. We had a fab day in the sun and I made the realisation that I have missed swimming in the ocean heaps. I grew up about 5 minutes away from the ocean and used to go swimming all the time, now however I live inland and the nearest beach isn't as close.

Even though our legs were still burning from laser tag, we managed a few games of beach cricket and soccer. I'm pretty sure we'll pay for it tomorrow though, which is Aarons last day of holidays. Its funny how the weeks at work seem to go so slow but the one week you're all on holidays goes super fast. I still have a week off to enjoy but then I'm off to Melbourne for work for a whole week on my own. I will surely be taking my 3ds and laptop!

All in all I must say it was an amazing way to bring in the new year. I'm hoping that the bliss of today is a sign for what we can expect the rest of the year to contain. I have so much going already and I cannot wait for it all to kick off! There's weddings, festivals, a new job and many many more adventures we already have planned. Hopefully it will be a year of experiences we'll never forget!

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year to you. I really like the idea of making resolution for new year like it is a must-do stuff even tho' no one told us to. And good luck to you in accomplishing that. BTW, thanks for visiting my Blog before.

    Cheers from Malaysia.
