Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Weekend

This weekend started without any plans at all and has ended with me feeling so happy I'm just sitting here smiling to myself as I write. Its baffling how lucky someone can be to find that person you can just do anything with and have a fantastic time! I'm very lucky!

Taz being gorgeous
 Friday night after finishing work Aaron and I decided to drive to my hometown to see my parents and go to the cinema to see The Avengers again. That movie is so insanely good and Laura hadn't had the chance to go and see it yet so we all went up on a three way date night and had an absolute ball together. Seeing my parents was a super bonus as well because somedays I just miss them so much.

Saturday I had lunch with some friends I'd been meaning to catch up with forever. It was so good to see them all and to hear about the things they're doing and planning although I left lunch feeling ver nostalgic, we all used to work together and spend every night emailing and being hilarious. I missed them all heaps and now I have my phone working again I fully intend on harassing them heaps!

Samson <3 

After Lunch Laura and I decided to toddle over to the gym over the road ( seriously its like a four second walk ) to have a look at joining up etc. We'd been talking about doing it for a while and so on a whim we went over, had a talk with the people there who showed us around and right on the spot we joined up! I'm pretty excited to be going to a proper gym again simply because the ones I've been going to are the 24 hr ones. I mean, I can understand how those kinds of gyms work out for people who are well educated on exercise and know exactly what they need to do ( my ex boyfriend for example ) but for the little old me that has pretty much no idea? I need to be pushed and encouraged. I kinda like being in a group all doing the same thing too mainly because I know I'm not the only one looking like an idiot! I also got to buy some super cute new sneakers!

Sunday was probably the most epic day of my weekend, Laura and I got up and went to a balance class at the gym! It was very cool to learn a little more about all the balances and poses involved with yoga etc. I stretched muscles I haven't felt in years and nearly face planted several times while trying to balance myself. There was a really old guy infront of me putting me to absolute shame! I was mortified at being so unfit for my age but it was definitely motivating. The instructor was really encouraging too which put my mind at ease a lot but it was so hard not to laugh, I mean I live with Laura and everything but there was a little too much face in arse action going on for us! 

This afternoon Aaron and I went to the gorge for a date. It was good to see Aaron had his camera out again as he's very talented when it comes to all things creative. I was super excited because he took me on the chairlift! I'm not sure why I hadn't been on it before considering I live ten minutes away but it was very fun and we walked back through the gorge and took some great pictures on the way, we must have looked funny to everyone else who was there because we were running around laughing without a care in the world.

I'm excited for the following week and to try some new classes out at the gym! I've even packed mine and Aarons lunch in an effort to save money and be a little healthier. I figure as long as I'm doing it its good to encourage him as well :)

I say bring on the long working week! I'm excited for a new lifestyle and a new attitude :)

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